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Share your placard or scarf

Show us where you and your placard (or scarf) have been!

Submit a photo of and we’ll share it on our site*:

*If you’ve a story to go with the photo, let us know that too!

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    Max. file size: 50 MB.
      I hereby acknowledge that I was the author of the sign design(s) in the attached photo(s), or am the person in the photo wearing a Sewn For Good scarf. By replying to this communication with my agreement, grant Janice Martin/Sewn For Good an irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, and perpetual license to reproduce, publicly display, and make derivatives of the sign design(s) for use in her projects, including, but not limited to, helping raise funds for women’s health and other social justice organizations such as Planned Parenthood.I would/would not like to have my name identified with the photo.

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    10% of all sales support various organizations including the ACLU, The League of Women Voters, Planned Parenthood, The Academy of Natural Sciences and The National Constitution Center