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Share your placard or scarf

Show us where you and your placard (or scarf) have been!

Submit a photoย ofย and weโ€™ll share it on our site*:

*If youโ€™ve a story to go with the photo, let us know that too!

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
      I hereby acknowledge that I was the author of the sign design(s) in the attached photo(s), or am the person in the photo wearing a Sewn For Good scarf. By replying to this communication with my agreement, grant Janice Martin/Sewn For Good an irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, and perpetual license to reproduce, publicly display, and make derivatives of the sign design(s) for use in her projects, including, but not limited to, helping raise funds for womenโ€™s health and other social justice organizations such as Planned Parenthood.I would/would not like to have my name identified with the photo.

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    10% of all sales support various organizations including the ACLU, The League of Women Voters, Planned Parenthood, The Academy of Natural Sciences and The National Constitution Center